Shannons layout of her family fishing! How cute with Passages paper! I'll never forget my first fish- I wish I had a cool scrapbook page of it! She probably loves this now, but she will APPRECIATE it later!!

Kelly's girls! I just loved the black & white with these 'blues.' Instead of the suggested WS layout for Magnifique I pulled this on out of Magic!! Love the accordian flip books!

Rebecca's Magnifique pages! She still needed to title and stuff, but it already looked great.

Shawns layout! she used older pictures of her and her highschool sweetheart husband. So COOL! I love how she embellsihed!

We tried to tell her it was "years" not 'yeas," but she wouldnt listen... (LOL hahahaha ;-) Nah, jk of course.. We are pretty sure her bag ate her 'r' before she got there.

OKAY - so somewhere I missed getting a picture of Joannas and Teneals pages..... I'll catch you girls NEXT time too!!!!!!! Sorry ladies!!!!
Stay tune tomorrow for another Feature Friday!!! Who knows maybe I'll cook something cool this weekend and post it too!
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