Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fold in half again...NOW is when it counts which side you fold up.. Whatever color you want to SHOW the most needs to be on the INSIDE! I wanted the pink to show so i folded with the orange on the outside. Now you want to 'pinch' it up with both hands so that it looks like below.. (remember those lil dooeys we used to make in school-you opened and closed- they had numbers, colors, and names of boys! - kinda like that!)
Once you get it pinched up together it should look like this. Then fold flat.
When you flatten it - it should look like this. (sorry the pic is blurry..)
Now you want to flap over one lil piece on the top.

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Custom Scrapbooks

Fall Fun Layout

Twitterpated Level 2 Workshop

These Level 1 Paper Packs are great for making cards too! Cut them up (email me for the guide) grab some ribbon, gluedots, a good sentiment stamp and get started! Fast cute cards! I use them for 'everyday' stuff!

Level 1 Cards using Perfect Day