Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tired of me talking about convention yet?

Give me another few days (maybe even through next week) to come down off my 'post convention-itis" & I'll start talking about other things again! LOL Below is a photo of an example of the camaraderie that you find at convention. Everyone is so friendly it doesn't matter whose 'team' you are on. Below is a picture of our scattered hearts banner than our team so proudly waves! We're a big group as you can see! Okay - so you know all those 55+ cards I made- here's what I got back for them in exchange- 55+ cards of GREAT ideas!!!! sorry the pic is sideways--- no time to fix it! ha!
OKAY - here's your sneak peek for now! this is a photo of me during our 'create n takes.' I would love to just post ALL the pictures here to show you all the new colors and paper BUT here's why I probably shouldn't... The new book isn't 'live' until September. Lots of consultants do a quarterly open house 'reveal' every time a new book comes out and goes live. It helps build anticipation for the new product. It's really not fair to those ladies who put in a lot of time doing that just to have 'spoilers' out there. Plus Corporate 'frowns' on it. HOWEVER!!!!! :-) I cannot keep a secret for any of those who know me- SOOO I will have to let you in a little- but try not to give away the farm!! Plus- if you are on facebook at all- You have probably seen as much as I have by now! hahahaha! Below are 3 cards we made using our new papers and some of our new colors!!! If you are in my clubs- I'll bring these to show off soon!
The first day walking through the lobby of our hotel we ran into Mr. Washington and Mr. Lincoln. Abe wanted me to sit down and confer but no time for that! There was too much scrapbooking fun to be had!
Here are the steps we walked daily (and the escalators by day 2!) CTMH sure doesn't 'half' do anything!!
If cooking is your second hobby (becasue scrapbooking is your first right??LOL) then come back tomorrow for an awesome FEATURE Friday!

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Custom Scrapbooks

Fall Fun Layout

Twitterpated Level 2 Workshop

These Level 1 Paper Packs are great for making cards too! Cut them up (email me for the guide) grab some ribbon, gluedots, a good sentiment stamp and get started! Fast cute cards! I use them for 'everyday' stuff!

Level 1 Cards using Perfect Day