Friday, October 1, 2010

Feature Friday!

okay - two sites again! I'm always worried they aren't good enough! Ha! Today's however should pertain to many- Lots of people are getting cricuts now! (have you seen the ad for the new one- WOWSA!) Anyway - a friend of mine Barb Carrico (this years Spirit of CTMH 2010 award winner!wahoo Barb!) anyway..... shared this site with me. If you go out to you will be able to 'search' for an item or word in their search tab and it will pull up a cartridge/cartridges for that item! I typed in 'coffee' and it brought up over 20 cartridges that had a coffee cup, the word coffee, or anything related to coffee AND showed a photo of it! Very nice! I also typed in "life is good" an interestingly enough found TWO cartridges! This last one is pretty good if you are a camping over achiever- I am NOT! Ha HA- But it still has many cool things. I have found some cool campfire stories to tell! It has games, songs, skits, and other neato ideas for outside or camping!

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Custom Scrapbooks

Fall Fun Layout

Twitterpated Level 2 Workshop

These Level 1 Paper Packs are great for making cards too! Cut them up (email me for the guide) grab some ribbon, gluedots, a good sentiment stamp and get started! Fast cute cards! I use them for 'everyday' stuff!

Level 1 Cards using Perfect Day